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As a matter of fact I do own the road

Y'ever notice that Ontario is plagued with a lot more aboriginal protest blockades than, say, Alberta and the B.C. interior? I think it's partly due to a subtle cultural difference.


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Comments (7)

I don't know that the best description of Kelly Lake's location is "180 km southeast of Chetwynd". It's like describing where Buffalo is in relation to Scarborough.

As for the comments to that article...man, I'm homesick.


Does the fact that I'm laughing make me a bad person?


Does the fact that I'm laughing make me a bad person?

No one was hurt, so I'd say you're in the clear. I laughed myself and I have lots of family behind some of these blockades down here.

I am pretty sure Colby is about 30% joking and 70% serious, and I'd say he's spot on, except instead of one cultural difference there are three or four working together...

Yeah, um, let's call it 50/50.

You put the B in subtle, Colby.


One complaint Mr Cosh, when I went to the link I accidently looked at the picture of Heather Mallick. Spoiled my dinner.


In my exalted career as a truck driver, I've been all over Canada, and it's somewhat obvious - especially if you frequent the kind of establishment that a trucker feels at home in - that racist attitudes towards natives are much more prevalent in most of canada than in Alberta or BC.

I'd almost say that it gets worse the farther east you go, except that Saskatchewan is already dramatically worse than we are when it comes to that sort of thing.

I have an old saxon surname that sounds native to Canadians, so I've always been sensitive to racism. As a younger man I never would have guessed that Albertan attitudes towards natives were the least racist in all of Canada, what with our reputation and all.


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