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Summers best forgotten

As the Edmonton Oilers prepare to roll the dice with the no. 6 pick in the 2007 NHL draft, Dan Barnes arranges a sort of family reunion on the Journal sports page for the dynastic succession of legendary Oil draft busts. I think I'll program my PC to wake me up Friday morning to the soothing country sounds of the Pete Soberlak Band.


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Comments (4)

Poor Jason. If only those damn IBP hadn't ruined his chances at hockey stardom. I feel terrible for a guy who pissed away $4 million dollars that he didnt deserve. Just awful.

Technical note: Bonsignore's "success" in Switzerland = nine B-league games.

I think it's sad that, despite never playing an NHL game and completely washing out of North American hockey, former first-rounder Michael Henrich doesn't get any love in these pages. He was nearly as bad as Niinimaki, and yet who talks about him? He's even a bust as a bust.

Henrich wasn't a bad AHL player, though. Good head on his shoulders, just not good enough for the NHL - couldn't score enough and didn't bring the physical game to make up for it.

Bonsignore had a nose for goals, but he was a terrible player - big guy with a tiny heart and smaller brain.

Michel Riesen is another guy who was a bust as a bust. He had more talent than Henrich and Bonsignore put together.

One good thing about being a Hamilton Bulldogs fan (that is, one good thing other than being FREAKIN' CALDER CUP CHAMPIONS baby!) we've had a lot of highly-paid, highly-drafted guys to make fun of at times when the games get dull, thanks to the old Oilers association.


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