A family-law innovation empties Medicine Hat courtrooms and gains attention around the continent by Colby Cosh STU Webb was an old-fashioned family lawyer
for almost 20 years, from 1971 to 1990. That was about when the crisis
hit. "Family law involves dealing with negativity constantly," he says
from his office in Minneapolis. "You seldom end up with a happy
client...By 1988 I pretty much decided I had had it. I was feeling
besieged." Despondent, he started shopping around for a new career by
auditing psychology courses at the University of Minnesota. He took some
courses, but soon realized he was too old to start a PhD from scratch.
"But since I was willing to chuck my career anyway, I figured maybe I
could find a new way to look at it--some way of functioning as a family
lawyer, without the stress load." His experiments, influenced by his psych training, led to the
development of a whole new method of conducting family law--one that has
taken root in, of all places, Medicine Hat. Mr. Webb's method is called
"collaborative law." It is like other methods of "alternative dispute
resolution," such as mediation, which have become popular as lawyers
realize the psychic and social costs of courtroom litigation. But
collaborative law is a new wrinkle. In mediation, a neutral party works
with a divorcing or separating couple, but in collaborative law, both
parties retain their own lawyers. The lawyers agree beforehand to abandon
the case and the clients behind, permanently, if one of the clients
decides to litigate. If they cannot cut a mutually agreeable deal, they
are out of work. The parties always meet as a foursome in a neutral setting. No one is
allowed to even threaten to go to court, and everyone must agree to
disclose all relevant documents and assets beforehand; in fact, you sign a
contract to that effect with your own lawyer before the process
begins. The lawyers represent their clients' interests, but they avoid
stonewalling and capitalizing on clumsy mistakes. In short, collaborative
law tries to disarm the sides in a divorce, taking away the spectre of the
courtroom, and to use lawyers constructively rather than
forensically. Proponents say it saves on money, time and especially rancour.
"Litigation isn't designed with a future relationship in mind," says Janis
Pritchard, who with fellow lawyer David Carter brought the collaborative
model to Medicine Hat. "It's a warfare model." She argues that if a
divorcing couple wishes to remain in contact, or is obliged to because of
children, they will find that the atmosphere of a courtroom is pure
poison. For some reason, collaborative law has spread quickly in Medicine Hat.
Just 18 months after it was introduced, virtually every practising family
lawyer in the city was trained in the special collaborative process.
(There are no formal certifications yet.) If you get a divorce in Medicine
Hat, you are certain to have the technique pitched to you as a cheaper
alternative to court. And residents are apparently buying in. From
September 2000 to September 2001, the family law caseload at the Hat
courthouse dropped off 44%. The figure for 2002, Ms. Pritchard says, will
probably be more like 70%. Dawn Weigel of Medicine Hat worked out a collaborative divorce from her
husband Ron in August. They have four children, and she did not want her
relationship with their father to degenerate further. "Someday we'll have
to sit together in a church and watch our kids get married; I didn't want
to spoil that," she says. "And I didn't like the idea of someone else--a
judge or a mediator--deciding my future. This way sounded like it would
give Ron and I control of the process." In two three-hour meetings, Dawn and Ron ran down the various custody,
visitation and financial issues; their lawyers tracked their progress on a
large easel. They had to agree not to curse in the neutral negotiation
space, or to resort to name-calling. "I was surprised we finished
everything so quickly. Things are a little guarded between Ron and I now,
but civil. I think we get along as well as we need to." Medicine Hat's collaborative lawyers are feverishly receiving huge
delegations of western Canadian trainees on one hand, while sending out
lawyers to give talks on the other. Word of their experience is filtering
back to the big Toronto firms. But the real feather in the Hat came when
Stu Webb's original group in Minneapolis invited Ms. Pritchard and Mr.
Carter to come and teach them how things are done in the Dominion. It was
a moment of pride, says Ms. Pritchard--and adds with a laugh, "We got paid
in American dollars too." | ||
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