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Was relieved to find/ Just how kind/ It all was

Finished the update to my CV necessitated by recent events. Let me tell you, thirty years in this business can wear a man down something awful. (Although, really, my first regular gig didn't come along until grade 7.)


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Comments (15)


I've been lobbying MacLean's for years to poach you away from the Post.

You owe me a job.


Alex VanderWoude:

Congratulations! You are now officially part of the establishment. Soon you will have the distinction of being one of the Old Guard. Good thing you've been practicing your reactionary curmudgeonosity for years... Seriously, though, I hope this translates into a better class of neighbors for you!

James VanderWoude:

Hey! That's my brother! Small world. Congratulations senor Cosh.

Iain G. Foulds:

... Well done, Mr. Cosh.


Congratulations Colby, and best of luck in the new gig!

Crid [CridComment @ gmail]:

Nigel was named for Tufnel, lead fuzztone for the 'Tap; Eleanor was named for the "Second Daughter" Mondale, whose televised appearance wearing a very short skirt at her father's campaign HQ during the tallying of returns for the 1980 USA Presidential election brought a new interest in politics to a generation of North American males.


Cosh at MacLean's now? Shitty, MacLean's is blocked China.

And the National Post isn't?


No, no problems with the National Post here in China. It's pretty random.

Alasdair Robinson:

You have cats ?!?


Congrats! Well deserved.
And an updated mugshot to boot! I like the look.


The cigarette is a little cliche, isn't it?

Huh? You mean the one on this site's bio page? That photo is 7½ years old. If the cigarette in my hand is a cliché then that's a different problem.


7 1/2 year old mugshot? Hmmmm. Are you afraid that photographs steal your soul? Although, I suppose you could make that argument in some cases...

As one who has been reading you for quite some time...what's up with the photophobia, if I may ask? Surely there's an interesting story there....

There's plenty of artwork of me around (as you'll find if you ever discover the wonders of Google), I just never got around to changing that particular illo.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 17, 2009 4:54 AM.

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The next post in this blog is The new business as usual.

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