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Latest Coshery

As I prepare to try pulling this Tuesday's column out of my top hat, let's catch up with last week's work: on Tuesday I wrote about how the death throes of the liberal churches are visible in the bitumen-rich area around Ft. McMurray, and on Friday I offered vague thoughts on the unique position—perhaps better described as "unique since ballplayers started trickling back from the Second World War"—of the hated Michael Vick.


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Comments (3)


That should be "wildcat OFFENSE." Vick and offence are no doubt words that go naturally together, but in this case, the Freudian slip got the better of you.

Uh, those words have the same spelling, whichever one you happen to be using.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 24, 2009 10:56 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fortunately, all my own friends are inside my head.

The next post in this blog is Since I went to the trouble of finding it dep't.

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