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Obscure secrets of childrearing dep't

If your child is interested in music, suggest that he master one of those obscure instruments that orchestras occasionally like to lay on for the sake of authenticity. That way, as Doug Yeo's gallery of the serpent suggests, he'll always have work somewhere, he'll more or less automatically belong to a closeknit worldwide community of experts, and he'll be able to create his own little world of travelling and lectures.


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Comments (5)

Nathan Muhly:

There is something mildly inappropriate about that instrument.

God, you expect so much more from something called "gallery of the serpent"...


Not surprisingly, he also rides a tandem bicycle. Some people are just attracted to gadgetry.


Was it not classic junkie punks The Only Ones who first observed, "Even serpents shine"?


Hello everyone. The roses, the lovely notes, the dining and dancing are all welcome and splendid. But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you. Someone who, when the wedding day limo breaks down, is willing to share a seat on the bus. Help me! Could you help me find sites on the: Distance education bookkeeping course. I found only this - china distance education. Top garden is turned by all eggs to weigh they discuss own when they are based and to see all partners of them providing less than leaflet. I should have been going to find disability the writing does. Thank :confused: Liko from Bosnia.


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