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Thank Maytag, not Steinem

The message of Friday's column: don't get mad at the Osservatore Romano for telling the plain truth about the emancipation of female labour from the home. Machines, not politics, did the trick.


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Comments (3)

Great column - oh Vatican, you crack me up.

Merrill Smith:

There is a precedent, sort of. Remember when Garney Henley drafted a dead person for the Ottawa Rough Riders (or were they the Renegades then?)


Fascinating. While living in a poor country some years ago, I came to understand that laundry was a major, major production. I paid to have my laundry cleaned by three women. They came to my flat in the morning and spent the entire day. They had to haul buckets of water, hand-wash and hand-rinse everything (incredibly time consuming), and then place everything to dry in the sun. As this was these women's main occupation, their biceps and forearms were markedly more impressive than mine. One would come back the next day to iron and fold everything. The process was actually quite hard on the clothes. At any rate, your point is well taken and it certainly, at least anecdotally, withstands scrutiny.


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