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Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

[þ: Cynical-C]


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Comments (4)

green mamba:

Classic. As someone who just invested in wind energy, I hope its potential proves to be real.


A very clever ad. Wind energy, on the other hand... I have my doubts - not that sucking at the mis-informed teat of government largesse is a bad way to earn a return, I suppose.


Although I may have mis-identified the accent (sounds French: could be Swiss or another Euro dialect) I find it interesting that a German company chooses to use a French character as an annoying and misunderstood Wind.


As an American filmmaker I am chagrined to state that in my opinion literally not one person in 1,000,000 here would understand this ad. It requires IQ > 100. You'd never find it on American television unless it were vulgarized and "dumbed-down" to the point of having no point.


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