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The answer?

So Wisconsinite indie humorist/football writer Jeff Johnson finally melted down like a wheel of gruyère and gave his definitive statement on the whole Favre mess, and I think it's fairly convincing. I'll probably read something else tomorrow that changes my mind again, but maybe we all do need to be encouraged to stop assigning so much weight to "Doesn't Favre deserve more respect?", "Hasn't Aaron Rodgers waited long enough?", "Which guy do the young players like more?", "Isn't it about time we had a QB whose name is spelled like it sounds?", and other matters having little to do with the concept of a team winning football games.


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Comments (3)


I think considerations of team discipline and the long-term interests of the team are best served by some sense of the team not completely rolling over for Favre, but I think those could be balanced against the value Favre could provide, both this season as a player and longer-term as a mentor, by letting both him and Rogers have a fair amount of playing time. The dual-quarterback thing has been tried before; exactly how disastrous does it necessarily have to be?

Ah, man. And here I thought I was getting an Allen Iverson post.

Ah, man. And here I thought I was getting an Allen Iverson post. Brett Favre steals everything!!!


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