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Oh please oh please oh please

Is the Canucks' transitional regime about to spend $2M on a Swedish kid who can't make the Tre Kronor cut and disappeared in the playoffs of the country's third-best league? If the Oilers are going to keep their heads above water in the Kiprusoff-Luongo-Backstrom Division, this is the kind of thing we need to see more of from our rivals and less of from our own front office.


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Comments (5)


You have misread the Swedish reporter's quote slightly; Brunnstrom did play in the #3 league *last year*. This past season he played for Farjestads (Sheldon Souray's old team!), and it was in the Swedish Elite League playoffs where he disappeared.

That said, I basically share your sentiment; while he might be a decent enough player, looking to him to be an offensive saviour for a mediocre NHL team seems lunatic. (No way I wager even-money that he replaces Markus Naslund's output.)

So you say you're not a closeted Oiler fan, yet you immediately identify Färjestad as "Sheldon Souray's old team" instead of "the home club of Håkan Loob"?


I'm a Sheldon Souray fan. His contract in particular.


That Swede didn't disappear from the playoffs in some third-level league -- he disappeared in the playoffs of an elite league! He's a born Vancouver Canuck. ROFLMAO. Thank you Matt for my laugh of the day.

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