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All right, let's do this

The column I originally wrote for Friday's edition of the Post will now run in print on Saturday because of space constraints, but it is already a web hit over on Full Comment. I count at least 10 thermonuclearly-controversial statements that might get me punched in the head within the piece's meagre Sun Media-esque length. Let's see what happens.

[UPDATE, 4:11 pm: Breaking news—provocative column about Newfoundland receives muted, slightly approving reaction in Newfoundland! See Michael Collins, Griff, and (for a dissenting view) Newfoundland News of Note, as well as the comment thread at the original column link.]


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Comments (3)


I can hardly wait for Monday's letters page.

Oh wow, it must be very interesting to throw a rock at a hornets' nest only to have a few hornets peek their heads out and say "hey you kind of have a point" before returning to the busy business of being a hornet!

It's just a shock thesis; I don't think the article itself is very provocative. It was actually a commendable entry to a discourse that tends to extreme and poor rhetoric.

Your link brought 19 visitors to my page! It was a little like Christmas, I'll confess.

Oh wow, it must be very interesting to throw a rock at a hornets' nest only to have a few hornets peek their heads out and say "hey you kind of have a point" before returning to the busy business of being a hornet!

It's just a shock thesis; I don't think the article itself is very provocative. It was actually a commendable entry to a discourse that tends to extreme and poor rhetoric.

Your link brought 19 visitors to my page! It was a little like Christmas, I'll confess.

(nb: I tried to post this and it didn't appear, but, if I've been duped by technology and it comes up twice, please feel free to erase the evidence of my numbskullery by deleting this potentially superfluous comment)


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