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She's the beast inside your paradise.

It's been a long U.S. election campaign. Remember back when Hillary Clinton's people were playing that song about raping nuns at her personal appearances? Man was that awesome.

OK, so technically the song's not really about rape, but (a) the mini-controversy was still hilarious, and (b) who deserves a little 21st-century attention more than Golden Earring? They were kind of done out of their chance at transatlantic stardom through carelessness, poor Dutch bastards. I've been playing the YouTube version of "When the Lady Smiles" a lot since Hillary collided with it, as much for the music as for the foxy redhead. Maybe I'm thirsting for popular art from a time when it still had breathing room for the id. Or maybe I just miss two-minute instrumental outros and establishing shots in music videos.


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Comments (3)


That looks like Christopher Walken as the psychiatrist? Always liked that band, good car songs. I had them on vinyl, cassette AND 8-Track!

C'mon, man. The psychiatrist is the drummer. This stuff will be on the test.

Klondike Mike:

What is it with bloggers and redheads?

The drummers always get the extra roles in these 80's story-style videos, I assume mostly because unless you are Peart, Bonham, etc. your style looks pretty robotic and dull, you can't make guitar face and put your foot on the amp, or sing into the same mic as the cool lead singer - so you get to be a "character". I think it might have to do with percentages of "face time" within the video itself.


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