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Butterfly with hiccups

From ESPN: Jim Caple visits R.A. Dickey, acolyte of the mysterious and increasingly scarce art of the knuckleball.

Dickey is not just a guy trying to make the majors on a freak pitch, he's also a freak of nature. In 2006 I used my last-round designated-wacky pick on him in our fantasy baseball draft; although I didn't really expect him to tear up the American League, I suffered real pangs of sympathy when he made the worst start in living memory and was hustled down to Triple-A faster than you can say "Phil Niekro". But he has gone 22-14 at Oklahoma and Nashville since.

Question: couldn't they have given that poor bastard Caple a real knuckleball mitt to catch with?


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Comments (1)

Gord Tulk:

It would be cool to see it in high def super slo-mo.


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