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Then again, if England actually won something they'd probably make him a duke

Two weeks ago I asked "Does anybody else think the talk of a knighthood for David Beckham feels weirdly premature?" Apparently at least one person agreed with me. (Warning: link leads to article containing photographs of Realdoll Spice.)


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Comments (4)

James Kabala:

Michael Caine had expressed similar views:

"Actor Michael Caine, himself a sir — a title he uses with his real name, Maurice Micklewhite — opined that Beckham seemed 'a bit young to be a sir,' and noted that he didn't receive the honor until he was more than twice Beckham's age, 66."

From http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-beckham15jun15,1,7785272.story?coll=la-headlines-world&track=crosspromo

Well, at least, Salman Rushdie got a Knighthood. That is a great sign of backbone in UK of at least one person in the senior establisment. Even better it probably annoyed Charles, defender of the faiths.


Even funnier, if you're alone and can say it out loud, is the title "Lady Victoria Beckham."


Noticed that TomKat were sitting with Posh during Becks' final Madrid match. What's the over/under on BecksPosh converting to the Church of Scientology before the year's through?


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