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Only possible title for this post: Napoleon Dynamite.

Another fresh quote from the President of Venezuela for those who are in doubt about what his Western supporters are supporting:

To (US President) George W. Bush and to the masterminds of this slow-wick, soft coup: Sirs, forget about your plan here in Venezuela. What could eventually happen is a revolutionary outburst. We do not want it to happen. However, in that case, I would be at the forefront. If this ever happens—and I will make a great effort for this not to occur—the government would join the people and lead the revolutionary outburst. Therefore, you would rather stop it.

People sometimes get angry, see? And when people get angry, stuff gets broke, right? Maybe a few heads get cracked. It's just a shame Edward G. Robinson isn't still alive to play Chavez in the movie of his life.

And just in case you thought the president couldn't get any weirder:

The head of state showed reporters a picture drawn by him, depicting a dynamite cartridge with a burning wick. The graphic, in his opinion, illustrated the ongoing plan he was making reference [to].

Prediction: 40 years from now, Pierre Trudeau's grandchildren will be writing op-eds about how their family friend Hugo was not only a compassionate leader and a man of tireless energy, but a dab hand with a Rapidograph.


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Comments (2)

Yeah well there will be people who defend this guy to the end. They are the same type of morons who think Stalin was "not all that bad" despite the millions he killed. The man is a madman that is for sure.

Prediction: 40 years from now, Pierre Trudeau's grandchildren will be writing op-eds about how their family friend Hugo was not only a compassionate leader and a man of tireless energy, but a dab hand with a Rapidograph.

That was worth my monthly fee for this site. Gold.


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