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‘I'm not sure I'll even be able to sell it as bird seed’

Also, I hear you can smoke itColumn topics I'll probably never get around to dept.: with so many head-shop clerks in ginger dreadlocks wandering around and raving about what great stuff hemp is, you might be tricked into thinking that there was actually a viable market for it. Agriculture journalist Barbara Grinder talked to Alberta growers who have tried experimental hemp production and found most of them disapponted. Apparently Canadian families aren't yet making hemp-heart casserole a weekly taste treat, and Dr. Bronner manufactures only so much soap. Bonus features of yesterday's miracle crop: it doesn't store well and there's little processing capacity. I guess we'd better stick to lupins.


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Comments (4)

Truly enjoyed your posts!


Well, heck, hemp makes good fibers. Good for paper and cloth and stuff.

It just might not be worth it right now, given the stated lack of processing capacity.

Dudley Morris:

Hemp waffles are awfully good - they have a nice nutty edge to them.

Oddly enough years ago there was a half-assed journalistic article on this topic in, of all things, the Gateway (which probably was snuck into the computer while the editors were high), which compared hemp to flax, and found that on a variety of factors (including cost and whatever measure of ductile strength fibers use) hemp was by far the junior product.


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